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Leaders: The Crockers
Restoration Outreach
The SOP Restoration outreach ministry is a ministry of real people, serving our community with real love. Under the leadership of John Haymond and Anthony Crocker, thismeets once a month to provide food and a worship service for individuals and families in the Anderson area.
Leaders: The Grigsbys
Shepherd's Ministry
The Shepherd's ministry is a ministry that aims to serve our community by welcoming love, sharing hope, and service with compassion. The Shepherd's ministry is under the leadership of Brother and Sister Grigsby, and meets once a month to provide groceries, clothing, and other resources to families of the Anderson area.
Leaders: The Baldwins
Nursing Home Ministry
Sanctuary of Praise serves several nursing homes in the area by holding worship services, prayer, and fellowship with those in nursing homes around Anderson, and Iva.
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